Eligibility Criteria & Referrals
The Tri-Regional Blind-Low Vision (BLV) Early Intervention Program serves children birth to grade one entry with a diagnosed visual impairment. An eye report from an Ophthalmologist is required for admission to the BLV Program. Please refer to the General Referral form for a detailed description of eligibility criteria. We can provide supports to you and your child while you’re waiting to see an opthalmologist.
Parents, physicians, ophthalmologist, infant development staff and others can refer by faxing the completed General Referral Form to 905-762-2115. Download a referral form here. Call the Central Intake Line at 1-888-703-KIDS (1-888-703-5437) and select #2 from the menu options.
The Tri-Regional Blind-Low Vision Early Intervention Program serves York and Durham Regions, Peterborough, Northumberland, Haliburton Counties and the City of Kawartha Lakes.